CAD Choices

Best overall: Blender


How to Learn


Where to learn...


Use or learn time management skills to help you keep stay on task. Focus when it is time to focus. Focus on the task at hand. Be reasonable with your schedule. Remind yourself that there is time for all of the other responsibilities or pleasures, but right now you are going to learn something and do something.


Don't worry about how much you know. Just go ahead and try it. Practice is controlled failure. Failure is an event, not a person.


Divide the skill into components. Identify which components are your weakest and further divide those into smaller components. Practice and repeat until you get better at the components and then put them back together to create a well-rounded skill.


Tips...and schedule a time to get help from Chase.


Tips...and schedule a time to get help from Chase.


Tips...and schedule a time to get help from Chase.


Take time to think deeply about the process of design, the machine and how it works, and how the design will function or be used. Seek to understand more about the software and how each tool works. To build a stronger, higher building you first have to have a deep and solid foundation footing. The deeper we seek to understand a thing the more we can apply it to everything else. Dig down deep as you practice the other components of learning.


Tips...and schedule a time to get help from Chase.

Optional certificate

3 test parts

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Fill in your name and sign. Ask Chase for other signature.

Updated: 2023-01-09